Hey there, I'm Tess

Master Therapeutic Coach helping people to discover what they want & build it from the inside out

Master Therapeutic Coach helping people to discover what they want & build it 
from the inside out

Tess René:  

Before I found my footing as the dream-following, accepter-of-who-I-am kind of gal, I was hustling for external validation but didn't know it.

I was an over-achiever yet lived in a state of purposelessness.  I thought I went 100% into everything because of passion but in reality, I was driven by a lack of self belief:

My immediate & extended relatives couldn't function well enough to raise a child, so from the age of 15 I lived in foster care in a small, prairie town where everyone knew I was the kid who was left behind.

"I appeared confident but self-doubt plagued me.  I consequently thought any acceptance I won was due to excellent acting skills, not the real me.

I didn't think I'd 'earned' any success I enjoyed & blamed my past as the reason I didn't belong in the present."

I finished Grade 12 in a farm-house rental because I had aged-out of the system.  I felt chronically afraid but never told a soul.

Everyone saw my stoicism as strength, but it was fear.  I didn't show my emotions for fear of rejection.  I learned that if I acted happy, smart & accomplished:  then I was accepted.

My worth became tied to my performance. I excelled outwardly & struggled inwardly to the point of near-ruin.

Chronic unworthiness, self doubt, anger, fear, uncertainty all loomed in my mind.

I kept a smile plastered on my face but the whole time, I knew I didn't belong: anyone who accepted me was be-friending a smiley, phoney Tess.

My immediate & extended relatives couldn't function well enough to raise a child, so from the age of 15 I lived in foster care in a small, prairie town where everyone knew I was the kid who was left behind.

I finished Grade 12 in an old, farm-house rental because I had aged-out of the system.  I chronically felt afraid & lost but never told a soul.  

Everyone saw my stoicism as strength, but it was fear. I didn't show my emotions for fear of rejection.  I decided that I would 'act' happy, be smart & accomplish everything;  then I'd belong.

My worth became tied to my performance. I excelled outwardly & struggled inwardly to the point of near-ruin.

Chronic unworthiness, self doubt, anger, fear, uncertainty all loomed in my mind. 

I kept a smile plastered on my face but the whole time, I knew I didn't belong:  anyone who accepted me was be-friending a smiley, phoney Tess.

Not for one
second did I think
I belonged.

the personal story of

Master Therapeutic Coach | Developmental Psych Researcher | HSP | INFJ | Tea-Obsessed | Former OVERACHIEVER 

One of the most important "People" in my life.

one of tHE MOST IMPORTANT "PEople" IN MY LIFE (& sitting on my lap as I write this to you...).

My furbucket: 

My cat: 

Understand what happened before.

Hold onto resentment.



Do you ever feel like you need to:

Have people validate or LIKE you.

Know what is going to happen next.

Avoid recreating yourself.

Recreate yourself.

Be qualified.

Control the outcome.

Exaggerate who you are.

Fix it all, suffer, OR WAIT TO HEAL.

Escape & isolate.

Possibly one of the most important "People" IN MY LIFE (& sitting on my lap as I write this to you...).

One of THE MOST IMPORTANT "people" in my life.

My cat: 


I developed:  Agoraphobia, chronic sleeplessness, hair loss, anger (rage really), social anxiety & distrust of almost everyone, to name a few.

It wasn't till rage threatened my closest relationships & stress caused loss of health, that I decided to do whatever it took to THRIVE in my life & do it with FREEDOM.

The Final Straw.

I spent over 2 decades chasing goals, trying to prove to myself & the world that I was ok.  Eventually, the cracks showed.

My training in Psychology, taught me how to heal, but I was not free until...

The researcher got to work: I had studied the mind & applied it in my work as Life Coach & Vocal Coach for decades.

I already knew many of the steps for healing & they were necessary for the process, but they weren't enough to free me from the anger of the past or my insecurity. 

Then I found the combination of steps that set me free from the emotions that imbalanced me & the thoughts that bullied me & kept me feeling uncertain of everything I said & did... 

The best part?  

Evidence-based, brain re-wiring is something everyone is capable of.  

And none of it was as complicated as I thought it would be.

I CRAFTED the sequence of EVIDENCE-RICH steps that enabled me to manage my emotions & change the belief systems that kept me small & low.     

YOU ARE CAPABLE of relating to yourself in an ADAPTABLE, FUNCTIONAL way & it doesn't have to be COMPLICATED.

This is the system I teach my clients, who now have lives they love (& are the most courageous, change-makers i know)! 

IF freedom IS possible FOR ME, FORMER MAVEN OF ANXIETY, ABANDONMENT fears, insecurity & OVER THINKING, IT IS possible FOR YOU.

"...the truth in us holds the key to our freedom."  

"I have a PROFOUND CURIOSITY & inarticulate thirst for the truth within our deepest selves which creates our FREEDOM."


i hear you & i've been there

...that struggle does not have to run your life either...

Eight years ago, I believed I needed those things too.

My actions were being influenced by quiet, lurking beliefs that I was acting on but didn't know that I had!

Unconscious Beliefs about myself & others kept me small & made it impossible to FEEL GOOD. 

Those Beliefs caused me to assume the way I saw myself was "just the person I was," but now I know how wrong I was.

And if you are struggling I also know:

My actions were being influenced by quiet, lurking beliefs that I was acting on - but didn't know that I had!

Unconscious Beliefs about myself & others kept me small & made it impossible to FEEL GOOD.

Those Beliefs caused me to assume the way I saw myself was "just the person I was," but now I know how wrong I was.  And if you are struggling I also know:


it's personal

It's not only our thoughts - our SUBCONSCIOUS programming forms the language to create our healing & suffering.  We have the power to change that language; we just need to be taught HOW.  I invested 20 years of study & practice to support others ability to gain freedom.  My expertise provides the strategy & my personal story drives the passion.  

remove what doesn't serve

Recently, the mental wellness world filled with 'professionals' who offer tricks that don't support lasting change.  I teach a research-based, custom plan & together, we create steps you can stick to; all of which builds a foundation that supports long-term healing, emotional & spiritual shifts.


2 decades of rigorous research & higher education produced a premium coaching practice that yields LASTING patterns of change - mentally, emotionally & spiritually.  The methods I teach my clients are the ones I taught myself, reducing old habits & creating freedom. 



all about


Straight talk,
LONG walks,
short emails, 
helping you claim
agency in your life.


not about

bandaid solutions,
'put-on' kindness,
the word "hack",
that hustle game.

Private coaching

You & Me. Let's Build Something Incredible Together

You don't have to know specifically where you need help, you only need the desire to feel better. Together, we will work to uncover the areas that hold you back & create a plan to help you break through & enjoy your life more.

I work to unlock your potential & maximize your performance by  helping you to learn more about yourself & build an adaptive, helpful RELATIONSHIP with that person.  I take each of my clients as individuals & create a plan custom suited for them.